Unpersuasive writing about pedagogy…

Jennifer Barnett wrote in a blog for the Center for Teaching Quality about PBL and assessment.  In the course of her article, she says,

“Do you want students who can spout facts and vocabulary for an assessment? Or do you want students who have a deep ownership of their learning — students who can walk away with a learning experience? ”

I get her point and even mostly agree with what I think it is.  Nonetheless, there’s an implicit assertion that “deep learning” and knowing “facts and vocabulary” are mutually exclusive, which I reject.  And there’s also no definition/explanation of what “deep learning” is, and I’m pretty sure that there is a wide variation in what people mean by the term. Also, even when just memorizing, one ‘walk[s] away with a learning experience” albeit, I assume, not the one the writer has in mind…

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