Aphorisms 2


If you have to ask for advice, you usually know what you should do and just don’t want to.


GAG every once in a while: “Go Against the Grain”. do something you aren’t really sure you can do well. But have a fallback plan. Success builds confidence and gives you skills and knowledge you wouldn’t otherwise have. Failure makes you more compassionate and also gives you knowledge you wouldn’t otherwise have.


Life is what you make of it.


Hamlet was right: “Assume a virtue if you have it not”: keep doing the right thing, and you get in the habit of it, and soon it’s not a pain any more.


Pick a mentor whenever you can and try to spend time together. You’re learning even if you’re only going out to dinner and not discussing work or school at all.


You will ultimately learn more, good and bad, from the relationships in your life than any other source.


Read! Think! Do!


A society that values its investment bankers and not its plumbers will have neither good bankers nor good plumbers.


Your life is simultaneously worthless and priceless: there are seven billion people on earth–why are you so special? But there will never be a person exactly like you, so you are, in literal fact, irreplaceable. Think about that dichotomy.


Sometimes the best you’ve got isn’t good enough. That may be the best lesson you ever learn from playing sports. But if you use that as an excuse to quit, you’ll never get better.

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