“Group work”

This article is worth reading at some point, I think.


Apart from content- or tech-specific skills, perhaps, I think the biggest challenge in pedagogy at SJS is finding successful ways to encourage the appropriate mix of group and individual work. As a couple of people at Summer Spark pointed out, simply giving what are essentially individual assignments to groups and then giving all the group the same grade doesn’t work.

At some point, we need to start making methodical inquiries and research into that issue an ongoing point of our professional development where it’s not already. And, in spite of what some enthusiasts say, not all important work in “the real world” is done in teams and even within teams, some people are picked for promotion and bonuses where others are not. But there is, from what I can tell, more of an emphasis of successful collaboration outside the storied cloisters than (for the most part) within it.

I suspect the key will be finding ways to promote “collaboration for the sake of success” rather than “collaboration for its own sake,” the latter being what first-generation (if I can call them that) “groupwork” tends to generate.

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