“The right questions”

Zizek (a contemporary philosopher in Slovenia) has an interesting video clip (quite short) that you can find here on the importance of asking good questions.  While I think a better approach would be to talk about asking “good questions” as opposed to “the right questions,” nonetheless, he makes two good points.

The immediate one is that asking questions is an important skill, not thought of as frequently or valued as much as answering questions.  Later in the video, he emphasizes the importance of the question that’s asked.  His example is thought-provoking.  He says that many people want to address the problems of racism, sexism, and other -isms in society.  Yet, the prescribed solution is usually tolerance.  He then says we should read Martin Luther King’s speeches and look for the word “tolerance.’  As Zizek says, that’s NOT what King preached.

As I told my class today, I suspect they don’t want merely to be tolerated by those around them.  They probably want to be valued and appreciated…

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