“Look it up”

I follow Seth Godin’s blog, and he often has posts that apply well to education (although his audience is people trying to market a business).    I sent one of his posts–on the power of “looking it up”– to some colleagues.


I prefaced his post with the following commentary:

If we’re in some sort of independent work or leadership position (for which we’re presumably training our students), we need to know what questions to ask and how to evaluate the responses we get.  There’s a tendency to think that whatever software *we* use (or the first response on a Google search, I guess, is the educational equivalent) is the best.

And part of being able to evaluate the answers we get, I would argue, is having enough basic knowledge at our command.  We can certainly look up a lot more than we could when I was a kid, but some things still need to be at our fingertips….

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